Registered Home DayCare: 18 mts to preschool, 6:30-5 pm, M-F
An important benefit of In-home childcare, as opposed to center-based care, is a warm, inclusive family setting. A home atmosphere fosters an overall feeling of contentment and security. Children learn from an early age that they are loved and respected. Small groups are also less stressful to children. In a smaller group setting children are able to form closer social bonds and get personal attention from someone who truly knows and cares for them. We pride ourselves on maintaining a low-risk of illness atmosphere based on less people entering our environment as opposed to a large commercial daycare facility. My adult to child ratio never exceeds 6:1 as determined by the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services Minimum Standards Law of Operation.
A structured daily routine including age-appropriate learning activities for Pre-school readiness, circle/story time, all levels of development including social, physical, and emotional. We read, work on our ABC's, color and letter recognition, outdoor play, nap/rest time, art projects, singing, work on manners and sharing. We utilize our time during the course of our day to allow time for many different activities appropriate for the growing curious child. We enjoy a nutritious breakfast, lunch and two snacks.